
New York Times Editorial Board Calls on President Biden to Serve His Country by Leaving the Race

New York Times Editorial Board Calls on President Biden to Serve His Country by Leaving the Race

It is almost unfathomable that the Liberal-laced Gray Lady the nefariously iconic New York Times dumped on President Joe Biden by saying the gig is up, he must drop out of the presidential race. The Times opinion piece presented by its editorial board was published the day after the Trump vs. Biden debate debacle.


This must be a set-up. Part of a plan. Not a conspiracy theory. But a reality that the Dems must eat their own to survive. Biden must go in order for the dark side to continue feeding the virus.

In media-world, the scales are not just tipping, they have been rocked. The news is making news. The New York Times is a player on the world stage, and they might as well do a curtain call.

The Times piece states:

At Thursday’s debate, the president needed to convince the American public that he was equal to the formidable demands of the office he is seeking to hold for another term. Voters, however, cannot be expected to ignore what was instead plain to see: Mr. Biden is not the man he was four years ago.

No president has been the same after four years in office.

The Editorial Board continues:

The president appeared on Thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant. He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to Mr. Trump’s provocations. He struggled to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans. More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence.

Then, in an attempt at redemption in the eyes of progressives, the Times states:

If the race comes down to a choice between Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden, the sitting president would be this board’s unequivocal pick. That is how much of a danger Mr. Trump poses. But given that very danger, the stakes for the country and the uneven abilities of Mr. Biden, the United States needs a stronger opponent to the presumptive Republican nominee. To make a call for a new Democratic nominee this late in a campaign is a decision not taken lightly, but it reflects the scale and seriousness of Mr. Trump’s challenge to the values and institutions of this country and the inadequacy of Mr. Biden to confront him.

If you could only hear me laughing right now… it reflects the scale and seriousness of Mr. Trump’s challenge to the values and institutions of this country. The Times is not the best advocate of “values and institutions.” It would be better for their cause if they left that one alone.

Moral High Ground?

Again, morality is not the Times’ high ground, but yet, the paper’s opinion piece reveals its upside-down world of thinking:

He [Trump] lied brazenly and repeatedly about his own actions, his record as president and his opponent. He described plans that would harm the American economy, undermine civil liberties and fray America’s relationships with other nations. He refused to promise that he would accept defeat, returning instead to the kind of rhetoric that incited the Jan. 6 attack on Congress.

Yes, the New York Times called for Biden to resign from his campaign, but it did so while still swinging away against reality.

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Alex Murashko is a journalist and writing team leader for Think Eternity, a site for powerful faith content to help you live the fulfilled life in Jesus. Murashko is also founder of Media on Mission.

Connect on X (formerly Twitter): @AlexMurashko.

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